Saturday, December 28, 2013

Year 2013 - My personal breakthrough

"This year has become a game changer for me.
From being lost for a long time, i finally found the light and now i became a part time wanderer. 
Playing safe is my game but learned to be a risk taker.
All my Fears has been replaced by curiosity"

- The lakwatserangnegra
I've learned a lot this year, every journey teaches me a lesson that helped me to be the person that i am right now. I could say that this year has been my personal breakthrough, why?


1. I learned to overcome all my fears one by one and replaced it with curiosity to try new things without any hesitations.
2. I realized that all great things in life can be found outside your comfort zone.
3. I'm now living a life the way i wanted it to be and i feel contented.
4. I learned to spend less on material things and realized that you only need 3 things in life,

A Surfboard, The Ocean and A wave. :))

This year(2013), I got bitten by a travel bug that makes me feel excited to go to the places I've never been before! 

I was just a wandering piece of junk that found its meaning every time i travel.

What i did this year? Watch the video below :)
Part 1:

Part 2:
NOTE: All photos are mine - unless i put credits to it

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